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Jewel of Cyprus
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jewel of Cyprus

Jewel of Cyprus has been incorporated by a team of professionals who have high levels of experience from their individual backgrounds of finance, property developing and property sales & management. Our primary objective is to handle the whole procedure of finding you the right property for your purpose and making the buying process as stress free as possible.

Once we have identified the appropriate investment package or holiday home for you, we assist you in appointing a local lawyer to handle the sale procedure on your behalf. The recommended lawyers are English speaking and the sale contracts are prepared in English in order to avoid any language barriers.

We liaise with local banks in Cyprus on your behalf to negotiate the best possible finance deals available on the market, in order for our clients to enjoy the most competitive interest rates and arrangement fees charged by the banks. We ensure that adequate guarantees are in place to improve the security of your loan. We also have a UK mortgage advisor on hand to offer advice or services, should you require them.

Should you opt to rent your property, we can handle the management of your property under various rental schemes that we offer. We add value to our service by handling transportation to and from the airport to your property and undertake the cleaning when checking tenants out.

Jewel of Cyprus offer a professional and comprehensive service to all our clients both during and after the purchase of your home. We look to develop a long term relationship with all our clients no matter how small or large your investment.

Jewel of Cyprus offer various investment packages solely exclusive to our clients. Our packages are designed by our in-house qualified chartered accountant, and therefore all financial and non-financial aspects will have been considered, such as risk analysis, minimum cash outlay with as high returns as possible, rental yields, exit strategies and also non-monetary issues such as the time and effort that can be saved from overseeing your investment abroad.

  • Entering the Euro monetary system in 2008-interest rates should go down and property prices will go up.
  • Government is introducing a 15% tax on land purchases after January 2008-therefore land and subsequently property prices will increase.
  • New PGA golf course being constructed at Tesafanou, 10 minutes from Larnaca.
  • Larnaca airport currently under expansion to accommodate massive increase in

tourism-expected to grow from 2 million passengers a year to 6 million. Airport only 10 minutes transfer time from city centre and main holiday resorts.

  • 340 days of sunshine a year, meaning year round tourist season.
  • One of the best locations for scuba diving, attracting divers from all over the world.

  • Tax haven attracting high net worth individuals, which increases property prices

  • Recent statistics suggest that Cyprus has enjoyed record levels of investment from foreign buyers this summer.

  • Much like the UK, Cyprus has strict planning control, also being an island, land will always be a premium.
  • Similar banking and conveyance systems to the UK.

  • English is widely spoken everywhere and they drive on the left.

  • Cheap cost of living.

  • Capital appreciation currently at 30%. per annum.
  • Laranaca is 30% cheaper than the holiday hotspots of Paphos and Limmasol, so significant room for growth.
  • 4 hour flight time from the UK, with a wide choice of carriers, including British Airways, Cyprus Airways, Excel and Thomas Cook.
  • One of the lowest crime rates in Europe.

It is our belief that the only way to purchase an investment property or holiday home in Cyprus is to visit the island by booking one of our subsidised inspection trips. This comprises of a three or four day information and viewing trip where you can view a selection of our properties within your price range.

It is our aim to make the trip informative, enjoyable, and stimulating and our friendly and knowledgeable staff will be at your service throughout to give you detailed information on each of our developments, and answer any questions you may have about any aspect of purchasing property in Cyprus.

You will be shown the different areas where our properties are located, and also be given a general tour of the local area around Larnaca. Here you will be able to see for yourself all the investment into the area, and the economic factors which are going to fuel your investment in the years to come, including the expansion of Larnaca airport and new road infrastruc­ture.

During your trip you will also meet with a conveyancing lawyer and a banker, who will explain all you need to know about buying and financing a property in Cyprus.

At the end of your visit you will have a much greater insight and understanding of the Cypriot property market. We will have covered all the details including total acquisitions costs, annual costs, legal formalities, financing, letting potential — in fact everything you need to know to help you make an informed decision to purchase.

We pride ourselves on our excellent customer service and support and we believe that our properties offer great invest­ment potential and value for money.

only £149 per person


Return flights

Accommodation with breakfast at a 5 Star Hotel

Transfers to and from Larnaca airport

We would love for you to experience one of our great value for money ‘Inspection Trips’ and hope to welcome you to our beautiful island of Cyprus very soon!


Staff Profile:


Arrival at Larnaca airport where you will be met by one of our staff members and transferee! to your accommodation.


Tour of Jewel of Cyprus’s properties


Tour of Jewel of Cyprus’s properties

Dinner at restaurant


Sightseeing of Larnaca town and selected suburbs


Re-visiting of Jewel of Cyprus’s properties

Dinner at restaurant


Appointment with financial advisors


Appointment with legal consultant

Appointment with architect (optional)


Andy Christodoulides.

24 year old, British born, Greek Cypriot Andy, has been a Property Consultant with Jewel of Cyprus for 2 years. He has his own portfolio of 3 UK properties and has also purchased a Jewel of Cyprus property in Larnaca.

«I was extremely satisfied and happy with the viewing trip. The whole experience was friendly, open and unpressurised, and my questions were answered honestly. I found the staff professional, friendly, and knowledgeable and the trip helped me make an informed decision to invest in Cyprus with confidence.»

Carlo Cavey — Godalming, Surrey

«Our viewing trip was a positive experience from beginning to end! We were impressed by the professionalism and knowledge of the staff and how well everything was organised. It was extremely helpful to meet the lawyers and bank­ers and get a better understanding of the whole process of purchasing in Cyprus. We asked hundreds of questions, all of which were answered honestly and in great detail. We returned from the trip confident that we had purchased a solid investment in a country with huge potential for capital growth over the coming years».

Nick and Vanessa Tadd, Guildford, Surrey

«Having already invested in property in the U.K., Florida, and Spain, we felt Cyprus ticked all the boxes from an invest­ment point of view. The viewing trip reinforced that it was the right time to invest as we could see with our own eyes the investment going into the Larnaca area. It was refreshing to meet the lawyer, bankers, and architect, as well as the developer. They were all extremely professional and answered all our questions. Our host Andy was extremely knowledgeable and professional and nothing was too much trouble for him. We were shown a variety of developments and never felt pressured into making a decision. For anybody thinking of purchasing in Cyprus, we would recommend that the viewing trip is essential to get a feel for the island and the opportunities it offers».

Stevie Davidson and Yvonne Alston, Manchester